Sunday 18 March 2012

REQUEST FOR FARMLAND cc: Head of Budget and Planning Department of Budget and Planning Ovia North-East Local Government Area Okada.

The Head of Budget and Planning
Department of Budget and Planning
Ovia North-East Local Government Area


                        Having written to the Commissioner for agriculture and his counterpart in the ministry of environment, and also forwarding a copy to the Transition Chairman who in support of our program also wrote a back-up letter for the Union to show his interest in the objectives of this body,  we hereby request for your assistance in securing at least one mile square space of land located in any part of the Ovia North East Local Government Area, to support this heart driven program of the farmers union.
at least to encourage us to prepare extremely for the purpose of embarking on a massive production this farming season.

This project becomes a priority for this group as a follow up of the result of the statistics taken by the Ovia North-East Local Government Area farmers’ multi-purpose co-operative union, (the apex co-operative group) representing all farmers/co-operative societies in the local government area. Having done a survey on what to do to promote agriculture in the local government area and beyond, we arrived at the decision to request for this piece of farmland from your ministry to enable us set up what is known as Organized Co-operative Farm (OCF). Where every farmer’s co-operative societies (FCS) will have a stake.

            To achieve this aim therefore, we request from your office sir, to please allot any available forest area in any part of the Ovia North-East Local Government Area to this Union, for the said purpose. Or refer our request to the appropriate department, in charge.

Expected Result:- We envisage a lot of benefits once the request is granted.

As this will enable the farmers in the area to be well organized. This can only be achieved if all farmers are encouraged to work together as a team. Be inform sir that in this proposed farmers community, every co-operative society operating within the local government area will be allotted a portion of this proposed Organized Co-operative Farm (OCF). The synergic impact of this cohesion will thus lead to increased output.

1.      It will enable the farmers in the local government area produce excess to guarantee enough for consumption and for export.
2.      It will help the farmers realize the reason(s) why they must live within the farm environment.
3.      It will help the farmers share ideas on ways to develop their produce for maximum yield.
4.      It will enhance mass production, of agricultural products; thus leading to increased food supply. As which will in turn help in the reduction in foodstuff price.
5.      It will help attract foreign investors to the local government area, to assist in our urge to project agriculture in the locality.
6.      It will help to easily reach the heart of various government offices contemplating assisting co-operative farmers.
7.      It will project the image of farmers in the area and also help them be fitted in their place in the scheme of things, as farmers from the most fertile land in the country.

We will be most grateful if our request is looked into with your favourable eyes. Remember sir that ….. NO FARMERS’ NO FOOD.

Support Ovia North-East Local Government Area Farmers Multi-purppose co-operative Union Today, so that we in turn can support others. By producing surplus for them, at reasonable prices.

For Ovia North-East Local Government Area Farmers Multi-purpose co-operative Union Limited

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